A Picture Of Nectar

Life two months before our baby is born. Life on the road with our new baby.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What is the central theme to this everlasting spoof?

Today was a day like many other weekend days. Eliz and I didn't do anything. We hung out while the kids played with the neighbors next door. One of the things about kids playing outside is that they regularly come back inside and check in with you. So, there really isn't free time away from your kids, but momentary lapses where the kids are not yelling inside. Lexi hit a boy with a wand from her bubbles and her older sister came running inside, trying to bust her and get her in trouble. I had to go outside and split up the party. The kids had to bring in their bikes and their bubbles. In front of me, Lizzie asked one of the neighborhood kids if she wanted to come over for dinner. With those bright blue eyes and cute little haircut, it was hard to tell the girl that tonight wouldn't work out. I think she is okay, but I probably hurt her feelings a little.

Life is a lot different now that I am married with kids. I used to get up early and go to the grocery on Sunday mornings and then either watch NFL Countdown on ESPN and then a day of NFL or I would catch up on homework or watch College Basketball. Lots of times I spent catching up on my music collection. At the time, I had about 750gb of hard drive space, so I downloaded lots of music and it took a lot of time to burn those onto CD's. I don't know about you, but CD's become very cumbersome. It is much better to have them all on a large external HD. I am waiting for a 5TB HD to come out and I am going to put everything onto it, getting rid of my CD's. Eliz isn't a big fan of all my CD's and Grateful Dead tapes that I cannot get rid of. Anyway, we sleep in late, Eliz makes a big breakfast for the family. Lately, we have been spending Sundays looking at houses and taking Lexi to birthday parties. One of the great things about having a contract on a house is that we don't have to look at houses any more. If there was just a little football on, things would be great.

Things just seem so routine on the weekends. On the other hand, when we do things like take the kids to King's Island, it ends up being crazy. They eat lots of sugar and get really wound up. They don't listen and run around all over. They are being kids. But, as uptight as I am about order, it doesn't make for such a fun time. They say that you are supposed to just act like a kid and have fun. I can't seem to do that very well. I admit that I am uptight and can't always let loose. When I listen to music or go to concerts, I have a different experience. I am able to relax and totally get into the music. One of the great things about Phish is that they really lay it down on different songs and even "filler" songs end up being standouts! Take, for example, "Undermind" from Knoxville on 06.09.10. The bass jam was so outstanding that I couldn't believe my ears. They took a decent song and tore it up. I told Eliz during "Undermind" that they were going to play "Mike's" next and I was right. You can be listening to "Ghost" from 12.31.09 and not even believe your ears. Granted, there were lots of shows and songs like this from the band's earlier days. But, they keep it coming. I wish that I could relax more. It is something that I have been struggling with for years, but music always seems to put me in a different mindset. I felt that way with Jerry's guitar, DMB's music, and now Phish. Tomorrow, I am going to discuss my experiences with the DMB and why I think I got so into them and why I am no longer a fan.

I am trying to post shorter, so please bear with me as I slim them down. There is just so much interest in trying to make my posts fun to read and to give some insight into my life. Thanks for reading! Hope everyone had a great weekend!


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