A Picture Of Nectar

Life two months before our baby is born. Life on the road with our new baby.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I just can't wait to get back on the road again

Lots of things are happening in my house right now. My wife, who was due May 29, thinks that the baby is coming any day now. She has been having hot flashes, contractions, and her body is telling her that the baby will not make it until the end of the month.

Here's the thing: if the baby is born earlier, then it will make moving even harder. We are closing on our house next week, but won't take possession until the 30th. So, we have some time to pack our things. It is really hectic because the girls are finishing up school and we have Lexi's graduation, Lizzie's moving up from a girl scout to a brownie, two birthday parties, the house to paint and exterminate, moving, and getting ready for baby Eli. It is a daunting list, I won't lie. I hope that we can get through it without a lot of dissent or anger, but it is hard to be that controlled by all of these things and not get upset.

What is most pressing is that I have yet to complete an Eli Birthing play list. I am going to try to get it done today, but I don't know how many songs to include, so I have to rely on my wife because she does not want to hear certain songs, like the Tweezer>California Love>Tweezer from 07.15.98. She wants less high energy jams, but can handle certain jams, especially if she knows that I like them.

Also, we have to get ready for our trip to the East Coast. We are leaving a couple of days before Hartford, because it is a 14 hour trip with an infant on board. We have to pack once we get our things unpacked at the new house. I have made a partial list and have started buying baby things that are road trip sized. I have a bunch. I bought 4 emergency ponchos in case we encounter rain like Deer Creek last year. Well, I hope that I don't encounter rain anywhere close to Deer Creek. That was insane! We have to get a big cooler for our essentials because we plan to make food on the road, rather than going out to eat every meal. I hope that the vendors have some better food this year, as last year was a big "okay."

But, we will be out of town from the 15th until either the 28th or the 30th. It depends on if I can convince my wife to go to Canandaigua. We both want to go, but it might be too much to be gone for that long with our son. Actually, I wonder if the Hartford trip is not too much for him. But, as I have made my decision, I will stick with it and trust that things will work out well. Everyone said it would be easier to get tickets this year, but that hasn't been my experience for SPAC or for MPP N1. I don't have tickets yet and don't want to pay scalpers $100 for a pavilion seat. But, with Hartford before SPAC and a whole week before Merriweather, I should be able to find tickets. I hope that i can find them. It is unfortunate that many of the shows aren't full because scalpers bought up the tickets and the supply is higher than the demand. In my case, that is not true, but I am just not willing to pay the piper (haha, sorry).

Well, thanks for reading. I will be discussing our logistics as we continue to paln things and I will definitely post pictures of Eli from his stay in the hospital and his first few days at home. I am getting ready for Summer, hope you are too!!

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